Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ERJ, Embraer, Enters Top 100 In The World

Embraer entered for the first time in the list of top hundred military companies in the world. Data released yesterday by the entity Swedish Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported  the Brazilian company in 94th position in a ranking dominated by American and European companies.

Despite the global crisis, the arms trade continues to expand, albeit in a much more modest than in previous years. The ambitions of emerging countries have maintained strong market, despite cuts in military budgets in rich countries.

The global leadership continues with the American Lockheed Martin, with $ 35.7 billion in arms sales just in 2010. In total, the company employs 132,000 employees.

In the case of Embraer, the company first enters the select list, after a major leap last year on sales of aircraft for military purposes. The list, however, does not include Chinese companies, due to the lack of reliable information on sales of military enterprises in Beijing. Between 2009 and 2010, sales of the Brazilian company in the sector increased from U.S. $ 470 million to $ 670 million. Today, 12% of its sales come from Embraer's military sector.

Since 2005, the Brazilian company's sales nearly doubled in a growth rate higher than the world average. According to SIPRI, military sales in the world had a 60% increase between 2002 and 2010, but only 1% between 2009 and 2010. In total, the sector was responsible for sales of U.S. $ 640 billion in 2010. In 2002, the movement reached $ 280 billion.

Another finding is that there is an increasing number of companies from emerging countries in a list so far dominated by rich countries. Of the one hundred companies, three are Indian, one of Singapore, two from South Korea, as well as companies from Kuwait and Turkey. In Asia and the Middle East, local companies already represent $ 24 billion in sale

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