What a sticky matter. Ford (F) offers cash for those bad used Toyotas (TM), Hyundai points out their quality improvements while asking their customers to look at what happened across the street.
Toyota has dropped 14% in 2 days and volume has skyrocketed.
(please click to enlarge)
With prices as of EOD yesterday, here are straddles for February, March, April, and June:
(please click to enlarge)
These were computed with Computed with StraddlesCalc Tool which shows the maximum moves required to achieve profitabiity. The actual move needed ma be smaller as there is plenty of time to expiration.
Note: You may receive technical analysis and alerts of these stocks, sent automatically to you, by entering the symbols in the Technical Trend Analysis Tool, (powered by INO).
Please do your own due diligence. This is not advice. Options are very dangerous and may cause 100% loss.

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